Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joyful Heart Chorus Mini Tour

#1 (Are you Dressed for the Wedding) We started to sing that song Sunday morning and I got ""holy goosebumps" I was so excited. I think back now on the events drawing to it. Sat morning, I went to Clay Bookstore for Mom and I kinda did a little shopping of myself. A book caught my eye, (now I wish I had bought it), but I will get it for tour. It was called "Thy Creator is Thy Husband" That thought struck me like never before. Then Sunday morning, Jordan walked out halfway through the first half and me being the big sis I am got kinda worried. It felt like a huge weight settled on my shoulders and Bev told me later she saw the instant change come over me, so she sent Doug out to check on him. Jordan had got kinda dizzy, so he went out right after we finished a song and drank formula and Gatorade and came back in and finished the program. I of course had myself worried sick till the intermission, but he was fine and I thought you know what " he is old enough to take care of himself and I can let him do it" and the guys told "hey go out if you don’t feel good that way you don’t collapse up front" When we went back in for the final half, I had a peace I never had. I don't know if my face radiated it or not but the 2nd half was so awesome. It was like God was telling me to "Let go and Let God"

#2 (We are Not Alone) Sunday morning Doug shared about the man and the footprints and Sunday night as we were singing that song it just all fell into place "we are not alone" when we look back and see just one set of prints we are not alone. That is when he is carrying us. How awesome is that?

#3 Prince of Peace, Control My Will -

Prince of Peace, control my will; Bid the struggling heart be still; Bid my fears and doubtings cease, Hush my spirit into peace. Thou hast bought me with Thy blood, Opened wide the gate to God; Peace I ask, but peace must be, Lord, in being one with Thee. May Thy will, not mine, be done; May Thy will and mine be one; Chase these doubtings from my heart, Now Thy perfect peace impart. Savior, at Thy feet I fall, Thou my life, my God, my all; Let Thy happy servant be One forevermore with Thee!

This song has so much meaning. Am I one with Him. All I can is the Lord is awesome in all He revealed to me this weekend. I am on fire for Him.

I can hardly wait to see what all God will continue to do in my life. We serve an awesome God.

He is coming back!